3 Ways To Freshen Your Bedroom This Spring

Freshen Up Your Bedroom for Spring
Springtime is about new beginnings. While January 1 holds its place as a new start, Spring is when we really start to feel a freshness in the world. We start opening the windows to air out the house and the weather starts to permit endless outdoor activities again. There’s a reason the term “Spring cleaning” exists - we want the inside of our homes to match the energy of the outdoors.
While warm, cozy decor makes our home feel inviting in the winter, it can make us start to feel heavy in a new season. It can feel overwhelming to switch over all of our decor every season, but the good news is, simply switching out your winter bedding for lighter, fresher linens in the Spring can make your home feel surprisingly seasonally ready. That heavy duvet cover that got us through the cold nights two months ago suddenly starts to feel stifling when the weather begins to change. Read on to see a few easy ways to freshen up your bedroom!
1. Lighten Up Your Duvet
If you’re a fan of duvets like we are, you’ll love how easy it is to customize them to your temperature preferences. Changing up your duvet to a lighter fabric can save you from waking up overheated. It’s also a great way to feel fresher with those windows open.
2. Add Some Color
Those heavy, dark colors that made your bedroom feel cozy in winter might suddenly feel like a mismatch for Spring and Summer with more hours of sunlight and more color bursting into the world. A quick fix is to change out your bedding for light, bright colors. Whether your style is light neutrals or bright and fun shades, adding some color to your bedroom can drastically change its mood.
3. Upgrade Your Sheets
You know how great your home feels after your Spring cleaning is done? You can get that same feel every night when you change out your tired, pilled sheets for a fresh set of high-quality sheets. You may balk at the idea of dropping money on sheets, but keep in mind that you’re using them for many hours a night! High-quality sheets can improve your rest as well, meaning you’ll wake up feeling as fresh as the air outside. If you’re ready to upgrade, choose something hypoallergenic and temperature-regulating, like our 100% TENCELTM fabric sheets.
If you’re ready to freshen up your home for Spring, start with your bedding. No other change to your home is as easy to make or as effective in making you feel great!