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6 Tips To Prepare For Cold and Flu Season

6 Tips To Prepare For Cold and Flu Season

Cold season is coming and make sure you're prepared 

  1. Practice sleep hygiene by going to bed a bit earlier, keeping the room cool and dark and maintaining consistency with your sleep schedule. Practice proper hand washing. Washing hands is the most effective way to prevent colds.
  2. Consume more root vegetables and other seasonal vegetables. This will help maintain a healthy gut and aid in the natural detox process that’s common at this time of the year. A strong, healthy digestive system is key, as it is responsible for many of the nutritional, detoxification, immune and metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Add warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and garlic to your dishes.
  4. Shift your workout to include less vigorous activities like Yoga, stretching and brisk walking.
  5. Use natural oils (coconut, jojoba, Shea) to hydrate the skin and a dry brush to get rid of dead cells at least 2x per week.
  6. Stock your medicine cabinet by including fever and pain relief medicines, decongestants, antihistamines, and cough medicines.. Throw away any expired medicine. 

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