How To Live Sustainably Everyday: 20 Ways to Start Living Sustainably Today

What is sustainable living?
Sustainable living is the practice of reducing our demand for natural resources by making a few small daily changes. More simply, sustainable living is a method of reducing one’s “carbon footprint”.
Sustainability doesn’t have to involve huge, life-changing decisions. It means something different to each individual. The primary purpose of living sustainably is to cause minimal harm to the environment and its inhabitants.
Why do we need to live sustainably?
Our planet can only produce a finite number of resources – from food to water – and can only withstand a certain degree of greenhouse gas emissions to stay healthy. Right now, many of us use energy and create waste at an unsustainable rate which results in pollution and climate change, harming ourselves, the environment, and its wildlife. By implementing a few small changes to our lifestyles, we can reduce our carbon footprint and tackle these issues.
In short, sustainable living is healthier, cheaper, and the most responsible choice for the planet.
20 Ways to Start Living Sustainably Today
- Save energy: switch to energy-efficient light bulbs and turn off appliances when you’re not using them. Unplug unused devices when you stop using them. Lamps, phone chargers, blenders, kettles, even when you’re not using them, they continue to use energy.
- Choose organic, seasonal, and local food when you can. Eating organic food is way better for your health and the environment!
- Recycle and reuse whatever you can. Once you get into the habit, it becomes second nature.
- Eat less meat, particularly red meat. Even just having one meat-free day is a great way to start.
- Buy eco-friendly skincare and makeup products. This means products with the least packaging possible and with as few chemical ingredients as possible. Better for you, better for the planet.
- Stop impulse buying. This one is one of the most important green ideas on this list! Impulse buying contributes to the rising demand to create more stuff as well as to our global waste problem.
- Reduce your food waste by cooking in bulk and eating only what you need. Save your leftovers for lunch the next day or as a snack!
- Use a dishwasher instead of handwashing.
- Consider using soap, shampoo, and conditioner bars. If you don’t like the idea of using a bar, look for zero-waste liquid soap alternatives.
- Start composting if there’s a composting center within walking distance or if you have a large enough yard.
- Go paperless. To avoid wasting paper, choose to receive letters over email and only print off documents if necessary. You could also ask shops to send your receipt over email instead of printing it off.
- Walk, bike, or take public transit. If you can, leave your car at home and walk or bike everywhere. If you’re going somewhere further and if that’s an option for you, consider taking public transportation.
- Bring your reusable water bottle everywhere you go. And do not forget your reusable coffee cup if you like ordering coffee at a café.
- Do not litter. Take your trash with you and dispose of it responsibly. And if you can, consider picking up any trash you may see along the way. That would make such a positive impact on wildlife and the planet!
- Take shorter showers. If you already take showers, consider shortening them, even by only one minute. The gallons will add up over time and you will save tons of water!
- Find items second-hand. Whatever you need to buy for your home (clothes, furniture, appliances, books), try to look for it second-hand first.
- Switch to rechargeable batteries. Disposable batteries are super toxic to the environment when not disposed of properly. The best alternative for that is to invest in rechargeable batteries that you’ll be able to reuse time and time again.
- Make your own food. Making most of your food yourself will often be healthier, cheaper, and a lot less wasteful!
- Avoid plastic packaging when possible. Instead, choose more sustainable options such as aluminum, glass, cardboard, or paper. These are often more commonly recycled in most areas compared to plastic.
- Reuse food scraps. For instance, you can make broth with vegetable scraps or breadcrumbs out of stale bread. Also, coffee grounds are a great exfoliator for you or fertilizer for your plants!